Postgraduate Courses And Training
IPSA-Antalya Summer Online Method School for Social Science Research Methods
29 August - 9 September 2022
Online Edition
IPSA and Antalya Bilim University (ABU) will jointly present the third IPSA-ABU Summer School for Social Science Research Methods, which will be held from 29 August to 9 September 2022. The School offers advanced training for graduate students and academics intent on strengthening their methodological skills. It is also an excellent opportunity for participants to expand their methodological knowledge, discuss research, and forge new collaborations.
The third edition provides seven different online courses, each lasting one week.
Program – IPSA Antalya Summer Method School (2022) – Online Edition
Course Alternatives for the 1st Week (29 August 2022- 2 September 2022)
1. Introduction to Regression Analysis, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Ecevit (Cukurova University, Turkey)
2. Quantitative and Computer Assisted Approaches in Content Analysis, Prof. Dr. Matthias R. Hastall (Technical University of Dortmund)
3. Experimental Research Design in Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Sema Barlas (Antalya Bilim University, Turkey)
4. Counterfactual Analysis in Qualitative Methods, Assist. Prof. Dr. İ. Ercan Sadi (Antalya Bilim University, Turkey)
Course Alternatives for the 2nd Week (5-9 September 2022)
1. Comparative Research Designs and Comparative Methods, Prof. Dr. Dirk Berg Schlosser (University of Marburg)
2. Qualitative Content Analysis, Dr. Michelle Möhring (Technical University of Dortmund)
3. Case Study and Process Tracing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeki Sarıgil (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
Important Dates
Deadline for grant application: 30 June 2022
Early bird deadline for registration: 31 July 2022
Final deadline for registration: 15 August 2022
Please visit the school website for the details on courses, instructors, registration fees and more: ipsaabusummerschool.org
Please contact ipsa-abu@antalya.edu.tr for further questions.
Local Organizing Team
Local organizer: Dr. Nermin Aydemir (Email: nermin.aydemir@antalya.edu.tr)
Local organizing team member: Dr. I. Cerem Cenker Özek
IPSA Summer School - Antalya

Data Fair 2022

Sep 19, 2022 to Sep 23, 2022
Oct 11, 2022
Best Practices in Data Management
Feb 13, 2023 to Feb 17, 2023
6 – 11 February 2023, KU Leuven
After a successful virtual instalment in 2022, we hope to bring together students and early-career scholars face-to-face again for a jam-packed week of expertly delivered methods training, held in association with KU Leuven.
What we offer
Expertly delivered courses
Your very own digital learning environment
Opportunities to discuss your project with your Instructor
Pre-recorded content
Credits and certification
Fees and registration
Registration is due to open in November 2022. Please remember to refer to the registration form for the most up-to-date list of available courses.
All courses are the same duration and price:
ECPR Member €563.50 per course
Non-member €1,127 per course
Please note that your space is not secured until your registration is paid in full.
For more details on course fees and registration, please visit this page.
NB: In circumstances where demand for a course is insufficient or exceeds the available capacity, your registration may be cancelled and you will receive a refund.
Winter School

EITM Summer Institute

What is EITM?
The original EITM program was established at the National Science Foundation in July of 2001 with a call for proposals for instructional institutes (NSF EITM Report). EITM Europe offers courses that have also been offered in the US. The program includes courses aimed at game theory and statistical theory, and one more specialized theoretical and one more applied course that change every year. The focus of the summer institute is on the problems of testing theoretical models from a political economy perspective. The institute is designed for advanced graduate students and junior faculty whose research and teaching would benefit from training seminars on the link between methods of empirical analysis and theoretical models.
The EITM Europe Summer Institute thoroughly explores the relationship between formal models of politics and empirical research methods in political economy. The theoretical models addressed span game theory, spatial theory, public choice theories, agent-based and behavioral economics models as well as general equilibrium models. Empirical methods covered include inferential and Bayesian statistics, experimental and computational methods. The program aims to advance scholarship exhibiting more seamless integration of theoretical model development and empirical evaluation through a highly interactive training program. The summer institute is led by distinguished scholars from across the discipline working at the forefront of such empirical-theoretical integration.
Following the successful format of the U.S. EITM series (since 2002) and the EITM Europe Summer Institute (since 2009), the EITM Europe Summer Institute will cover the following program. Each unit surveys its substantive area, stressing key previous theoretical and empirical developments. The instructors explain steps necessary to conduct tests of models in that area, for example by considering basic-assumption validity or drawing testable conjectures from comparative statics and other deductions from the model. The courses discuss appropriate empirical methods for evaluating whether and how data confirm or reject the model. These empirical-modeling considerations could involve specifying test equations with the proper control variables and functional forms, deriving statistical estimators, designing an experiment, or framing a simulation.
Over the past years, the University of Mannheim has run the EITM Europe Summer Institute six times and will continue last year's successful collaboration with Fabio Franchino (University of Milan) in 2008. In addition to training, EITM Europe has become the summer institute with the largest worldwide network among young academics interested in the highest standard of scholarly research in Europe. EITM is training a new generation of political scientists and political economists, who are interested in integrating theoretical and empirical research to advance our understanding in politics. Outside Europe EITM takes place only at the most distinguished universities in two formats. Early in 2002, the NSF fundet the EITM summer institute that rotates accross universities, beginning with Harvard (2002), Michigan (2003, 2006, 2009, 2015), Duke (2004, 2008, 2014, 2016), UC Berkeley (2005, 2010, 2013, 2017), UCLA (2007), the University of Chicago (2011), and Princeton (2012). The NSF then funded a second EITM summer institute at WashU (since 2003). In 2003 and 2004, the NSF also funded a number of other projects under the EITM branch, e.g. scholarships. A typical feature of EITM is that outstanding senior scholars teach the advanced program and thereby create a worldwide network among EITM participants.
The EITM Europe 2019 summer institute on New Developments in Survey Research provides an introduction to basic concepts as well as the most recent developments in research design diagnosis and survey research with a particular focus on causal inference and the design, analysis, and application of survey experiments. The courses will be taught by leading scholars in four modules (plus a refresher course) from 22 June until 5 July at the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Torino, Italy. EITM Europe 2019 is directed by Thomas König (University of Mannheim) in collaboration with Fabio Franchino (University of Milan).
Information on Application and Academic Program
Professur für Politikwissenschaft, Europäische Politik
Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
A 5, 6
Gebäudeteil A – Raum A 353
68159 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 621 181–2073
Fax: +49 621 181–2072
E-Mail: uhorn@uni-mannheim.de
Web: www.sowi.uni-mannheim.de/könig
Mo und Fr 13:30–17 Uhr und Di–Do 9–12:30 Uhr
Applications open!
After two years online, the 55th Essex Summer School is pleased to be delivering a combination of both in person and online courses in 2022.
The Essex Summer School offers an intensive learning environment. Each course consists of three and a half hours of teaching per day. Participants are advised to calculate additional time for readings and homework.
For best learning success, participants should have the background knowledge necessary to follow a course. The Instructors’ specifications of the prior knowledge expected of participants before they embark on a course appear at the end of the course descriptions for each session.
Instructors will assume that everyone enrolling in their course has the required background knowledge. Instructors reserve the right to exclude a participant who does not have the required background. Anyone uncertain about whether a course is appropriate for their needs or their background should contact the Summer School office for advice.
It is possible to attend a morning and an afternoon course per session. Applicants should understand that this will be demanding. Please read the short course information carefully and take it seriously. Though it is possible to change courses on the first day of each session (if not fully booked), your course choice should be based on the best information available.
Can I Gain Credits for Taking a Course?
In most two-week 35-hour courses, there is an option to take a Single Course Exam at the cost of £100.00. Successful completion of these exams is necessary to award ECTS credit. Exams can be paid for along with fees or separately.
Essex Summer School