President’s Statement
The Israeli Association for Political Science aims to promote the research and teaching of the field in Israel and the world, through the organization of research conferences and workshops for researchers at all stages of their academic career.
The association sees great importance in providing a platform for young researchers. In light of this, this year we have renewed the tradition of the International Graduate Conference, which has been held since 2005 at the Hebrew University under the initiative and leadership of Professor David Levi-Faur. The coming workshop will be held in June at Reichman University.
In addition, the Israeli Association for Political Science aims to provide a platform for the initiatives of political scientists in universities and colleges in Israel. This year the association offers a course called "Democracy and Democratic Retreat". The initiative for holding the course is by Professor Gal Arieli from Ben Gurion University. The course is part of a collaboration between various universities and colleges in Israel under the leadership of the Israel Political Science Association and based on a model of an international course that includes dozens of institutions and is based in the USA.
I will conclude by quoting the words of the association's former president, the late Professor Gad Barzilai, "Israel needs a strong and active political science association that will be a source for improving public decision-making processes, promoting democracy and human rights, and encouraging high-quality, frontier-breaking research. The scientific and research truth are a candle to our feet. We intend to facilitate them through the association and its activities".
Prof. Osnat Akirav
Israel Political Science Association, President.