Politics and Government in Israel
By: Gregory S. Mahler and Reuven Y. Hazan - This balanced and comprehensive text explores Israeli government and politics from both...
Municipal Territoriality: The Impact of Centralized Mechanisms and Political and Structural Factors on Reducing Spatial Inequality
By: Beeri Itai, Meirav Aharon Gutman, and Jonathan Luzer - We explore two complementary mechanisms that are designed to work together...
Urban conflict management, human‐wild animal interactions, local environmental governance and political participation
By: Beeri Itai, Yaara Sadetzki, and Orit Hirsch‐Matsioulas - Local authorities today cope with environmental changes. As urbanization...
Public Accountability and Auditing: Why and When Do State Auditors Conduct Broad Audits?
By: Dana Natan-Krup and Shlomo Mizrahi - Public servants who monitor and supervise the administrative and political systems must...
Usual Suspects: Minorities, Police and Citizenship in Israel
By: Guy Ben Port, and Yair Yassan - The police may be the most important example of the modern state, which has been defined by Max...
Parliamentary Representation of Political Minorities: Arab-Palestinian Legislators in Israel.
By: Osnat Akirav - The book assesses parliamentary speeches given by Arab representatives in the Israeli Knesset over the last 70...
Cyber Sovereignty: International Security, Mass Communication, and the Future of the Internet
By: Topor, Lev. - The internet has become a battleground for global power struggles, with nations and even terrorist organizations...
Estimating the “Legislators in Robes”: Measuring Judges' Political Preferences
שמות המחברים/ות: ד״ר מעוז רוזנטל, בית-ספר לאודר לממשל דיפלומטיה אסטרטגיה, אוניברסיטת רייכמן גב׳ שי טלמור, בית-ספר לאודר לממשל דיפלומטיה...
Termination of parliamentary governments: Revised definitions and implications
שמות המחברים.ות: ד"ר יעל שומר, בית הספר למדע המדינה ממשל ויחסים בינ"ל באוניברסיטת תל אביב, ישראל. פרופסור ביורן-אריק רש, המחלקה למדע...